
The Awesome Smite Enchantment in Minecraft 2021

Smite Enchantment in Minecraft

Enchantments are used in Minecraft as special bonuses that can be applied to armors, tools and weapons to upgrade them and get more with the use of an enchantment table. Enchantments include Mending, Piercing, Depth Strider etc. One of the most common enchantments is Smite enchantment. Usually, it’s not clear as to what enchantment is useful for what, since there are so many so we’re going to talk about one of them today.

The Smite enchantment increases the attack damage you can give through weapons to undead mobs such as skeletons, zombies, wither skeletons, strays, husks etc.

So maybe if you are facing the undead groups a lot in Minecraft, this is the right enchantment for you. 

How to add Smite Enchantment?

Smite Enchantment, enchanting table

Smite enchantment can be added to any sword or axe using the enchanting table anvil. You can use the smite enchantment to upgrade your sword upto level 5. As you keep on upgrading , the attack damage of the sword or the axe deals keeps on increasing. With each level the damage is increased by 2.5 points to the undead mobs.

So what all are undead Mobs? Well the following are considered the undead mobs:

Withers Undead Mobs
  • Skeleton
  • Withers
  • Zombie Pigmen
  • Strays
  • Zombies
Zombies Minecraft
  • Wither Skeleton
  • Husks
  • Skeleton Horses
  • Phantoms
  • Drowned
Skeleton Horse Minecraft SMite Enchantment

If you play Minecraft you would know that you can combine two enchanted items. But there are some incompatibilities. The smite enchantment can not be combined with,

  • Bane of Arthropods
  • Sharpness

Smite enchantment better than Sharpness?

Smite enchanted Sword help you critical hit the undead mobs. If you are specifically playing single Player Minecraft then Smite is better than Sharpness. If hoard of Zombies or undead mobs is coming after you, it will be great help to kill them in one hit by Smite enchantment Weapon.

So now you know how to use the enchantment and what it is used for.

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