Bloodborne game is an action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 4. It was released worldwide in March 2015. Bloodborne game follows the player’s character, a Hunter, through the decrepit Gothic, Victorian era–inspired city of Yharnam, whose inhabitants have been afflicted with an abnormal blood-borne disease. Ultimately attempting to find the source of the plague, the player’s character unravels the city’s intriguing mysteries while fighting beasts and cosmic beings.
At first, you will only find out what “Bloodborne game” is about. One thing is certain: you have caught something nasty, and the search for an antidote leads you straight to the Gothic-Victorian town of Yharnam. You are not necessarily welcome there, nasty figures give you a violent reception, want to go straight to your throat, curse you as a beast and cursed, but you are one of the good guys who only seeks salvation – don’t you? “Bloodborne game” leaves that open at first.
n any case, death is your loyal companion. Don’t wait long until you die for the first time: Right after the intro it’s time, less than a minute. Better get used to it! The first death is just an almost inevitable part of the story. Your defeat takes you to the hub, where you first have to find your way. Signpost? No evidence – just a few scant hints.
You should get used to that too. You will soon find the way out by yourself; Then later you return to the hub to pimp your character stats, upgrade weapons, buy items. By the way, payment is not made by souls like in “Dark Souls”, but by blood echoes that you find scattered in the game or that you fight hard for.

The numerous fights live from their high speed and dynamism; the opponents attack quickly, often in groups and always grim. Often, however, the adversaries are also on their feet: it is not uncommon for the enemy to suddenly attack you from behind, for example while stalking an enemy, because they have spotted you from a distance shortly before.
In general, the adversaries register you very quickly, and the range of their weapons is often surprisingly long. And the AI is consistent: Each opponent has its own attack pattern, is sometimes more nimble, sometimes more leisurely and has more or less range.
The bigger opponents, which are not only a big chunk in terms of appearance, are particularly crisp. The size doesn’t disappoint: they are really extremely strong, and their attack pattern is sometimes unpredictable. In general, the change between fast and slow dominates their combat tactics.
The boss opponents, however, are in a class of their own: always extremely aggressive, extremely fast and incredibly strong. They barely give you time to breathe, let alone develop a strategy. In order to defeat a boss at some point, many attempts are required – hard, but beautiful!
Search for the answers
Bloodborne game arouses curiosity even after twenty hours because it hides its history and secrets under a veil. One recognizes contours underneath, suspects something, but cannot grasp it immediately. If you want to ventilate it, you have to dive deeper and deeper into the dangerous world. One discovers interesting fragments that slowly point to the big picture.
It is always about the subject of the beast – including that in humans. So the direction doesn’t let you walk safely between good and bad, but stagger between many moral facets. Who is the victim and who is the perpetrator? Sometimes one is reminded of European horror à la Dracula or Frankenstein, then it becomes brutal or grotesquely gruesome as in Japanese horror and much is reminiscent of the otherworldly motifs from the Cthulhu myth by HP Lovecraft.
Attack is the best Defence
You have to take it more often anyway: Compared to “Dark Souls”, “Bloodborne game” is much more offensive. Hiding behind a sign and hitting it tactically at the right moment? You can forget that. Instead, you scurry past your opponents with clever evasive maneuvers. The offensive is rewarded, however: if you are hit, part of your health indicator disappears. If you counter it within a short time, the display will fill up again. Even if you take it, you make up for it in bold reaction.
There are significantly fewer weapons (and armor) in Bloodborne game than in the spiritual relatives. However, the apparent deficiency is compensated for with well thought-out move sets of the respective deathbringers. By default, your avatar carries a firearm in the left hand and a blow weapon in the right. With the latter you deal weak and strong blows, start combos or transform them at the push of a button.

The nimble hunter’s ax becomes a long-handled ax, the filigree long sword mutates into a powerful two-handed sword. The shooting men from pistol to shotgun, on the other hand, hardly do any damage, but with perfect timing they prevent enemy attacks and cause the enemy to stumble. Bloody side effect: If you start a counterattack quickly, the staggering angry oaks suffer a lot of damage.
With shields for blocking almost completely removed, the evasive role is now the most important defensive technique. A cool new feature is the so-called regain system. If you have been injured, you have a few seconds to regain part of the lost life energy with targeted counter attacks. But be careful: Every action takes stamina and wild button hammering can quickly shrink the corresponding bar. Once out of breath, you have nothing to oppose the bloodthirsty beasts until your warrior has recovered.
Class System
“Bloodborne games” class system is actually not one. Instead of a character class, you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your character based on their origin or past. For example, you can choose between “Scared Rabbit”, “Cruel Fate” or “Lonely Survivor” – each memory has different values. You can also design the attributes of your character, determine gender, facial features, skin and hair color, and beard style.
Is this the better Dark Souls?
And From Software masters this fine line between frustration and demanding extremes like no other larger development studio. After all, hardly anyone dares to play so wildly with this limit and so willingly play poker with the mind of the player. And Bloodborne game is the prime example of that. From Software has made a noticeable attempt to modify the hardcore gameplay of the Souls parts, which has now become established, without robbing it of its fascination.
Faster and more aggressive fights, no more blocking, fewer reset points, but an omnipresent feeling of insecurity – all of this makes Bloodborne game a more than worthy successor, which in its very own way is at least as extreme as the Souls games. The ride through Victorian Yharnam is exactly the rejuvenation that Dark Souls 2 was not for many fans.
Atmospherically, instead of the gloomy “Lord of the Rings” aesthetic, there is Victorian horror in the style of the legendary British Hammer film studios. The eerily beautiful main location Yharnam attracts with winding streets and stately houses, paved squares and deprived slums. The elaborate architecture is not only bursting with graphic details.

The opulent cityscape is crammed with ornate statues and fountains, carriages and trees as well as an infinite number of lovingly arranged eye-catchers. In short: Thanks to the powerful PS4 hardware and From Software’s talented and meticulous designers, Yharnam looks more believable and real than most other video game worlds.
The same applies to the other locations: whether it be an enchanted forest, dark catacombs or dangerous witch village – visually, Bloodborne game is nothing less than a masterpiece. It is all the better that delayed graphics or disruptive drops in the frame rate are so rare, even with a high number of opponents, that only pedantic bean counters really have reason to complain. At most, they could complain about the limited color palette, in which various shades of gray – matching the mostly nocturnal or dim setting – dominate.
The level design shows the whole thing as a mixture of Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls: The world of Bloodborne game is a gigantic, coherent labyrinth that has to be explored meter by meter. Alternatively, you travel from a kind of hub – the so-called “dream of the hunters” – specifically to already activated lanterns, which, like the beacons in the Souls series, serve as reset points.
The design is also convincing: the game’s Gothic look is absolutely upper class and fits the title like a fist on the eye. Buildings, paths and the reflections are great, the monster design is out of this world! The weapons, the clothing or the fluttering of the blood-smeared cape in the wind are just as impressive.
But there are also some downsides: The annoying flickering edges, for example, is not next-gen. Every now and then, clipping errors occur that cause monsters to sink halfway into the ground. Worst of all, however, is the eternally long loading time: die, wait up to 40 seconds (!) Until it finally continues. The developer has to patch that.
Conclusion – Bloodborne game
“Bloodborne game” is unmistakably a spiritual offspring of the “Souls” series, but it does some things decisively differently. It’s much more offensive and faster, but at least as tough and ruthless. The look is also consistent – only the long loading time has to be patched. “Bloodborne game” is aggressive and varied. Any patient gamer who is capable of suffering and who is in the mood for a thoroughly atmospheric and demanding game can access it with a clear conscience. Fans of the “Souls” series will feel right at home.
Over the years you have perfected your tried and tested block technique in the Souls series. Then came Bloodborne game. The offensive, often lightning-fast combat system forces you to relearn. And that’s just as well. Evasive role, counter-shot, belly razor -youI haven’t had so much fun hunting monsters in a long time. Thanks go to the perfect control and the varied critters, which require constant attention, good reflexes and adjustments to the slaughter strategies. Even if it says Bloodborne game, there is a lot of soul inside.
Just with a large portion of freshness. The incredibly lovingly designed horror setting not only pleases atmospherically, but also optically belongs to the best that can be seen on the current consoles. The role-play part has been purposefully detoxified – at least for my taste – but still offers enough possibilities for adaptation and discovery fun. In short: a worthy spiritual successor to Souls and one of the most motivating challenges of all video game times.
“Bloodborne game” takes up the multiplayer options very similar to its spiritual predecessor “Dark Sous 2”. In this way you can always find the legacies of other players within Yharnam. Ghosts show how other heroes lost their lives.
Hints left lying around are sometimes more and sometimes less helpful. It’s more tangible in co-op and versus mode. With the help of bells you can call players into your world before boss fights and take up to three participants into battle. Very convenient! From insight level 30 you will even infiltrate the worlds of others or even be attacked. A tip: If you want to play in peace, set “Bloodborne game” to “offline”!
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