Losing your cool during an average League of Legends game and getting bullied is very common. The interesting thing is that the harassment doesn’t stop there. According to a recent community survey, 79% of the 3984 respondents, which is major League of Legends players in whole, says that they were harassed after the game is over. Getting cursed, receiving friend requests multiple times; females facing sexual harassment were the most common types of recorded toxicity.
Redditor Clanaria, conducted a survey throughout January 2020 polling some of the biggest LoL communities! The survey consisted topics about their lifestyle, playstyle, and general relationship to Riot games hugely popular MOBA. Though 3984 is a small sample, considering LoL having a 80 million player base. The survey had some interesting insights to be analyzed.
Clanaria divides the survey into several key areas like the lifestyle and career of players, their playing habits, and favorite roles. Toxicity too was one of the criteria, with 98% of the players reporting encounters with it. As reported by Clanaria, 2% was the margin of error, so it basically means that all of the respondents have encountered toxicity.
32% of the respondents who identified themselves as females. Major League of Legends were said to be victim of sexual harassment.
Clanaria considered spamming pings or dying intentionally also as forms of toxicity. The results as usual were shocking; almost 2400 people confessed to spamming with around 2100 people flamed or intentionally died to an opponent. 514 people told someone to kill themselves, which account to nearly 20% of the sample. Major League of Legends players were found to be doing stuff intentionally.

Since Clanaria also asked some personal questions like relationship and job status, there were hilarious analogies to be made. 87 percent of men who play assassins in the middle lane were likely to be single. While support and bottom laners were most likely to play with a partner.
Players favouring the assassins role were by far the most toxic people. Adding it to the fact that assassins are the second most popular choice on mid lanes, we can get a vague idea on who the worst LoL players are.
There are some other insights to be looked upon like 63% of people team up with friends. 92% have indulged in microtransactions . Jungles are the least popular mode on the game party due to the changes made in Season 10.
To check out whole survey click here!