
Beginners Guide for League of Legends

Beginners Guide League of Legends

Developed by Riot Games, League of Legends is one of the most sought-after games in the market. With over 100 million concurrent users, League of Legends is the most popular PC game of all time. A highly competitive, fast-paced action-struggle game, the spectacle of a game satisfies all those who crave for a hard-fought victory. League of Legends is one of the first stand-alone multiplayer battle arena style games and it is based on the incredibly popular Dota map for Warcraft 3. Some basic information is revealed below:

Publisher: Riot Games

Player base: High

Type: MOBA

Release Date: Oct 27, 2009 (NA/EU)

Pros: +Huge variety of playable champions (over 120). +Mature E-Sports scene. +Well-balanced. +Runes and Masteries spice up gameplay. +Fun at all skill levels.

Cons: -Champions and rune pages must be unlocked. -Matchmaking broken for new players (smurfs)

Now certainly a lot of new players want to start plying their trade for their teams in League of Legends and want to learn the basics of League of Legends before embarking on the daunting task of playing the game. So below are some things you need to keep in mind and clarify before proceeding on with the game.


Majority of League of Legend’s gameplay options are available after Level 5, so you do not need worry and fret about what character or what position you are best suited for. Everything prior to Level 5, is going to help you stand on your feet, before embarking on the real action-packed tryst.


The basic goal of this 5v5 online multiplayer game battle it out to destroy the opponent’s main structure, the “Nexus”. Now, there are a couple of mandatory objectives to be fulfilled, failure of which the Nexus can’t be dismantled. Just outside the Nexus are a couple of turrets and an enemy inhibitor. Your primary objective besides destroying the Nexus should be to take down those two turrets and the enemy inhibitor.


THE MAP: SUMMONER’S RIFT Beginners Guide to League of lEgends

Before playing the game, you need to make sure you are well-versed with the map, Summoner’s Rift. It has three lanes- top, middle, and bottom. The area in between the lanes has jungles. The top right and bottom left part of the map represent the player bases and your position will depend on the champion you choose.

An important tip in the game: Keep taking a look at the mini-map, every few seconds.

This will help you remain apprised of all the events which are taking place at the vicinity of you and will prevent you from an unprecedented attack.

Do not worry  about Jungling up till Level 20

One position you should not be worrying is jungling at least up to level 20. It is one of the most specialized positions in the entire game and requires a lot of skill-set, experience. Plus, up to level 20, you do not get access to a lot of in-game items.


Q, W, E, R: Your four main abilities.

Ctrl + Q,W,E,R: Level up that ability (without having to click the little plus sign with your cursor)

Alt + Q,W,E,R: Casts spell/ability on yourself (if possible)

Shift + Q,W,E,R: Casts spell/ability at your cursor (if possible)

F, D: Your two Summoner Spells

S: Stop whatever it is you’re doing. Useful to prevent yourself from auto-attacking minions.

1-6: Your items. You only need to press these if a specific item has an active ability.

Spacebar: Centers the camera on your champion. Very useful during team battles when things get super hectic visually.

G: Send pings to your teammates.

Y: Locks/unlocks camera of champion.

B: Recall (teleport back to base)

P: Opens up shop window (use to check prices on items when you’re away from the base)

Tab: Opens up stats page for the current game.


Firstly, identify a couple of champions whom you like and are most comfortable with and keep playing games with them. Play at least 15-20 games with each champion.

Secondly at least once or twice in a week, try playing with new champions in the free rotation round.

Try noticing the abilities of the champions and capitalize on them. They are extremely useful and beneficial in certain situations. For example, Caitlin’s E move shoots a net a from a rife and slows down the incoming opposition. Furthermore, it pushes her back to some extent and thus is extremely important if she has to escape from a tense situation.


Range towers League of Legends

It is absolutely critical to stay behind minions when you are attacking an enemy tower. These defensive structures bring your health bar down by a considerable margin by attacking you and you will succumb to death if you are not behind your minions. Also, you can lean on your closest tower for support if your enemy is unleashing an attack on you. 

Thus I will be concluding this Beginners Guide of League of Legends by saying a couple of things.
Firstly be ready to accept a lot of new options and features at your disposal. There will be a truckload of new things that you will encounter when you are a beginner. Apply your brain at all times and have a calm and composed demeanor. This is of paramount importance.
Secondly, do not lose hope. Learn to embrace failure with humility. You will be encountering failure at regular intervals during the initial stages of the game, especially when you are starting things. Do not let tears of regret roll down your cheeks. Flash a warm smile and move on. Come back stronger, better prepared. Cheers, happy gaming!

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