
B8 Dota 2, Dendi latest Roster is here to Win!

B8 Dota 2

B8 Dota 2 latest entry with Dendi face on it! After being dormant for a quite some time, Danial “Dendi” Ishutin revived himself with B8. He is looking forward to dominating the 2019-20 Dota Pro Circuit.

Dendi almost missed out on the open qualifiers with his latest B8 Dota 2 Team! He explains the reason on his video he shared on B8 Dota 2 official Youtube Page.

In his video he first declares the new members of his latest B8 Dota 2 team.

Core Support Pos 5: Nikola ‘LeBron’ Popović

Roaming Support Pos 4: Rinat ‘KingR’ Abdullin

Carry Pos 1: Alexandr ‘pio65’ Zalivako

Mid Pos 2: Danil ‘Dendi’ Ishutin

Hard Lane Pos 3: Andrey ‘Ghostik’ Kadyk

Dendi B8 Dota 2 Team

In his video he thanks Team Spirit for the Bootcamp and tells the viewers that Nagrata is no more with him. He has parted ways with Dendi and new B8 Dota 2 team. Over the video he explains how each player was integrated into B8 and all the strugle to put B8 together. He also explains the surprise exit of Zour from B8 and how he managed Pio65 to enter his team.

After the news hit the social media about his new team, every dota 2 fan was ecstatic to see Dendi back in action. B8 was hoping to play well and qualify for ESL One Los Angeles 2020 CIS Open Qualifier! All fans of Dota 2 around the world were hoping to see them great!

But the B8 dota performance was not up to the mark and they failed to qualify for the ESL one LA.

B8 dota 2 Dendi

They finished 5th from the 16th team that participated. Many fans and pundits have exclaimed that Dendi’s time in Dota 2 is over. Or atleast his mid is over. Dendi has been suggested to move to other roles such as either support player or into coaching. the suggestions were not a surprise! OG Dota 2 Notail’s was a carry player before he shifted himself to the support role and won back to back 2 TI’s.

B8 Trailer

Dendi’s B8 Dota 2 team is still very new to the scene and will take time to perform better. Everyone hopes that day comes a little early. Fans have missed Dendi playing on main stage for quite some time. B8 has a long road ahead and they will have to prove many wrong.

Read our last blog about B8 here.

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