
Call of Duty Warzone: Everything we know so far

Call of Duty Warzone Everything we know so far

The game is COD’s take on the free-to-play battle royale model. Here is everything we know about Call of Duty Warzone: Everything we know so far.

Call of duty has decided to jump on the jump on the battle royale bandwagon. The franchise, which is more than 15 years old, recently released its first major free title of PC, Xbox One and PS4. Here’s everything you need to know before you jump into the latest offering by Activison.

Its free to play; no strings attached

What should come as a surprise to literally everyone, the game is free to play. This is surprising since Activison has formed a bit of a reputation of being a cash-grabbing company. The game isn’t attached to Modern Warfare or any other title. For gamers who already own Modern Warfare, their achievements will be linked to their Modern Warfare profile.

Cross-play is allowed

That’s right, you can play with your friends irrespective of the console/PC they have. Just like Modern Warfare, Warzone also comes equipped with cross play. If you are an elitist, however, you can turn it off in settings.

Upto 150 players can fit in a single match

You heard that right. Instead of just 100 players, a number which seems to have become the standard for Battle Royale games, Warzone supports upto 150 players. In a single match. Crazy, right?

“Verdansk” is the setting of the game

Verdansk is a sprawling new map with over a dozen Named Zones and over 300 points of interest. According to Infinity Ward, “Each zone features distinct landmarks like the Gorengard Lumber Yard or the Gora Dam; the zones take place across different environment types like cities and rural areas for unique engagements. Change up your drop location in each match to get a better lay of the land and take advantage of what Verdansk has to offer.”

Warzone has two modes so far

Warzone so far has two modes; Plunder and Battle Royale. Plunder has unlimited respawns with teams fighting to gain the most cash. The battle royale mode has teams of 3 duking it out to be the last team standing. The game introduces an interesting Gulag mode which gives dead players the chance to revive. They can do so by winning against other dead players in a prison deathmatch. 

For more call of duty, stay tuned into My Esports Globe.

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