Devil May Cry 3 game is the third game in the Devil May Cry series. It is a prequel to the first Devil May Cry game, making it the first game in the series chronologically.
Dante’s twin brother, Vergil, and a man named Arkham release the ancient tower of Temen-ni-gru from below a modern city and conspire to use Dante to unlock the gate to the demonic realm. While working toward confronting his brother, Dante encounters Lady, a fellow devil hunter, and the mysterious Jester, an enigmatic clown that aids Dante throughout his journey.
Dante and Virgil: In Devil May Cry 3 game (the story of which takes place before that of parts 1 and 2) the demonic brothers fight each other to the point of blood. But there are more villains with whom Dante has to deal, because Virgil is teaming up with a man named Arkham: The two of them have a mysterious tower called “Temen-Ni-Gru” shoot out of the ground in Dante’s fictional hometown. In this building there is said to be a portal to the world of demons, which Sparda, the father of Dante and Virgil, sealed 2000 years ago.

When Arkham brings Dante an invitation and his shop is shortly afterwards destroyed by a horde of demons, the hero sets out to climb the tower – after all, the stranger and his brother can only be up to something bad. And then there’s this young girl who has a personal account with Arkham … so suspense is guaranteed!
In terms of play, Devil May Cry 3 game is clearly based on Part 1. The level design in particular is very similar: If you were almost exclusively in a castle in the first Devil May Cry, this time almost everything takes place in the said tower. There are, however, two exceptions: Dante makes an involuntary detour into the body of a demon, which has the gigantic dimensions of a whale, and explores its innards. ‘

We won’t tell you about the other side trips – after all, we want to keep you excited. But not only the overall structure, but also the individual levels (there are a total of 20) are strongly reminiscent of Part 1: Most of the time you are out and about in narrow corridors or large halls of the tower. You solve simple puzzles such as “look for this object and put it in here”, or use skill in Prince of Persia-style to advance into the next section. The focus is of course on action!
In almost every room in the tower, a number of opponents stand in your way: whether armed demons, giant spiders or poisonous bats – Dante always has the right answer ready. The strength of the combat system is the fact that it is basically quite simple: you move Dante with the left analog stick, target your enemies with “R1” and swing your sword with the “triangle” key while you swing with the “square «Button let your pistols speak. Attack is the best defense, but sometimes Dante has to take the defensive as well: There is no standardized block function – so you avoid attacks with quick movements and jumps.
In addition to these basics, the combat system offers many subtleties: First, Dante masters six different fighting styles that can be used with the “circle” key. As “Swordmaster”, for example, Dante shows additional close combat attacks, while as “Guard” he minimizes the damage of the attackers with a parade. The second important point are the various weapons: In the course of the game, Dante collects eight other killing tools – from a nunchaku to a bazooka to a magical guitar (including a deadly spiked body!).
Before each level, you decide on two close-range and two ranged weapons, which you then carry around with you. In the battles, they are then switched with the shoulder buttons “L2” and “R2” – clever gamers can even do this during a combo attack and thus show a particularly cool maneuver.

The third point that gives depth to the combat system are the special attacks: If you fill your combo bar with variable attacks, you will receive red demon balls, which you can exchange for new special attacks between the levels (or in shops that are distributed throughout the levels). You can also equip yourself for the fight with additional life or magic energy. The latter is used when Dante activates his demonic powers for a short time – then the hero is even stronger and above all faster than usual.
Finally the clarification of the name of the game
In terms of technology and presentation, Devil May Cry 3 game is awesome! The individual sections of the castle have an atmospheric design and are illuminated in many places by pretty light effects. The fight is then really round: When the great animated Dante wipes the floor with the demons, you often get to see a crazy thunderstorm. The only real point of criticism of the graphics of Devil May Cry 3 game is (again) the strong edge flicker. The music is composed atmospherically with a mixture of rock and electronic sounds, only the recurring battle theme is a bit monotonous in the long run.

The real highlight of Devil May Cry 3 game are the cutscenes: When Dante drives a motorcycle up the outer wall of the tower and then beats a gang of demons in the air with the machine, amazement is the order of the day. In two or three places, however, the developers overdid it with the coolness: When Dante pulls off a guitar solo including a light show, it seems involuntarily funny. Last but not least, there is one more delicacy: Part 3 finally clarifies what is actually behind the words “Devil May Cry”. But we want you to find out for yourself.
Development and Reception
After the mixed reception of Devil May Cry 2, Capcom developed Devil May Cry 3 game in a similar manner to the most acclaimed first game series, Devil May Cry; its game elements, such as the environment dimension and the battle engine, have been re-examined. Other aspects of Devil May Cry 2, such as the toning-down of Dante’s cheekiness and the lack of difficulty of the game, have been brought back in line with Devil May Cry.

As during the original Devil May Cry Virgil was said to have been killed by demons early and had his soul under the control of Mundus, Bingo Morihashi wanted to create an alternate universe in which Virgil was alive. However, Hideki Kamiya gave Morihashi the freedom to reconnect this and make Vergil into a teenager living for the events of Devil May Cry 3 game.
According to a pre-release interview with the game’s producer, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, the focus of the game’s design was a combat system that allowed the player to control weapons in new and “trendy” ways. This coincided with the design of a new type of in-game camera that kept the character in focus, avoiding disorientation in crowded battle scenes.
Devil May Cry 2’s difficulty has been reduced for greater acceptance in the Japanese market, but this move has cost the game’s support elsewhere. To remedy this, the Japanese version of Devil May Cry 3 game had a lesser degree of difficulty than the North American and European releases, and Dante was a more arrogant younger character than him in previous games. Reuben Langdon provided voice and motion capture character. Although he was directed in Dante’s portrait, Langdon (confused by suggestions from the staff) played his own version of the character.
Capcom promoted Devil May Cry 3 game’s release with a multi-million dollar television campaign and extensive advertising in video game magazines; both emphasized the storyline of the game and the number of fighting styles.

The company produced a second “special” edition, released in North America on January 24, 2006. A version of Microsoft Windows, with minor graphical changes, was developed by SOURCENEXT; was released by Ubisoft on June 28, 2006 in Europe and October 16, 2006 in North America. The Devil Trigger versions of Dante and Virgil were designed by Atlus’ Kazuma Kaneko, who had previously collaborated on Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne and Persona.
Devil May Cry 3 game: Special Edition
The extended version of the action adventure offers you the opportunity to master the game in the role of Dante’s twin brother Virgil. You will also face the new boss opponent Jester, who was previously only seen in cutscenes. With the new turbo option you accelerate the game speed by 20%. The new Gold Orbs allow you a frustration-free continue system, while five levels of difficulty ensure a balanced gameplay.

The story focuses on Dante’s past and the fight with his brother. Devil May Cry 3 game is the hardest part of the series and offers not only driving background music and a dense atmosphere but also an improved graphics engine with impressive light and shadow effects. With the new style system you can choose your preferred fighting style. In the Special Edition you get an additional, playable character, as well as other game modes. In Bloody Palace mode you fight with Dante for bare survival and in Movie mode you lean back while you can watch all the cutscenes again.
Regarding the shortcomings of the latest remastered, many have complained about the impossibility of changing the controls at will in the Nintendo reissues. The Special Edition of the third DMC also fixes this slight gap, allowing you to experiment with alternative solutions both with the Joy-Con and with other accessories (in our case, we have modified the keys to make the most of the Gamecube pad).
Closes the string of novelties the unprecedented cooperative for the Bloody Palace, the survival mode of the game, in which to make some demons cry together with a companion in command of Vergil. Available immediately even without having completed the adventure, the climb to the tower acquires a decidedly different flavor thanks to the ability to play in a local cooperative, but it is not without annoying smudges.
Opinion on the game
An irresistible urge keeps pulling me in front of the screen. It’s not the graphics that ensure that, despite all the frustration, I keep making new attempts to support Dante as best I can in the fight against the hordes of monsters.
The backdrop is quite impressive: the sections have become significantly smaller, but are papered with convincing textures and offer numerous light effects as optical delicacies. The animations of all the characters as well as the impressive special effects are also impressive. The creatures you come across seem like fantasy webs from designers who have read too much Clive Barker.

The acoustics, which, as always with Capcom, consist of English voice output with mostly clean German subtitles, suitable background music and brutal fighting noises, also only played a small part in overcoming the threshold of frustration. It should rather be seen as an example of the fact that the Japanese developers can weave a well-thought-out sound carpet, as is almost always the case. But what is it then that keeps drawing me to the pad like a moth to light?
Let’s not kid ourselves: Devil May Cry 3 game is technically beyond almost any doubt and convinces with its extremely cool main character and the extensive combo system. But the immense level of difficulty will not make it easy for newcomers and even genre connoisseurs to make friends with Dante. It is true that the satisfaction is all the greater when you have actually managed to fight your way to the end or send the boss to hell by all means of martial arts.
But until then it is a long way, paved with blood, sweat and possibly tears (the anger goes without saying), spiced with calluses on the fingers and occasionally garnished with a gamepad popped on the wall. The fact that Dante still wins the Gold Award is mainly due to the grandiose staging, the immense coolness factor that the main character exudes and the all-round successful presentation. DMC 3 is a worthy successor to the series and lets the rather boring predecessor quickly be forgotten. However, if your frustration level is just below room temperature, you should avoid Dante’s trip to hell, otherwise the acquisition costs for new pads will increase.’
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