The DOTA veteran is set to switch games!
In the latest news from DOTA, Garter is set to leave the DOTA 2 competitive scene for League of Legends. He announced the switch on twitter.

“What should have been a hard decision has now come easy to me after all of this,” Garter said. “There comes a time when you can’t keep fighting against a broken system that won’t give. Dota 2 is really an amazing game and I have met some incredible people and had some positive and impactful experiences, but it’s time to hang up my Dota 2 hat and start the new year, the new decade with a new start.” While he isn’t the first DOTA player to try his hand at LOL, he is definitely aiming to be the first to complete a successful competitive switch.
Why LOL?

Ylli “garter” Ramadani is a true DOTA vet. Playing the game since the original came out, Garter has been a pro since 2007. One of the most well-known Albanians on the scene, he apparently decided to try something new in 2019.
It wasn’t a pretty farewell, however as Garter had multiple complaints from the game, mainly from the competitive scene.
He is most well known for being the cornerstone player of Prodota gaming, so much so that the organization folded after his departure in June 2017.

Garter has cited multiple reasons for trading in DOTA for LOL. The primary reason being how easily teams with more money can poach players from other teams with more talented players. This often ruins teams with potential. He cited the example of (Danil “Dendi” Ishutin’s) stack who won a tournament and a day later (Alexey “nongrata” Vasilyev) was poached by Team Spirit which possibly ruined a team with potential.
He also had multiple complaints with the MMR system. As it had no bearing on the individual ranked matches because it didn’t place players with similar skills together.