The Preseason patch for League of Legends (LoL) dropped on the 21st of November. The Latest Patch Notes for League of Legends has a massive amount of changes made post the end of season nine of the game. League of Legends enthusiasts can now expect to see and use new support items, elemental dragon buffs, and upgrade to the lethality function. The iconic decade long multiplayer online battle arena game has been almost reborn. Here is a short summary of the updates from the patch brought to you by Riot Games.
League of Legends patch 9.23 Notes

- Elemental Drakes: If your team is able to kill four dragons in one game they will gain a new buff that complements whatever element the rift is. Mountain will now grant an out of combat shield, and Cloud will grant players more movement speed.
- Elder Dragon: The King dragon will grant a three-minute boost to players when slaughtered, that executes all enemies under 20% health and deals true damage.
- New Entrances and Bushes: LoL players will now be able to enjoy and explore the new flora and areas that have been added into the game. There are now new bushes available by the entrance to the blue buff, and small alcoves have been added to both your top and bottom lane.
- New Support Items: Following the patch, new support items have been added that can help players using Pyke as their champion. One such example is the introduction of Steel Shoulderguards, which is similar to the relic shields functioning. As these new items become more powerful, they will grant higher levels of attack damage.
- Lethality: Lethality as a concept in League of Legends has always been difficult for game developers, Riot Games to manage. During this preseason they give it another try, with a few changes. Edge of Night now grants a shield which, can give players a tactical advantage against assassins.
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