
Apex Legends Meteor was a bug

Actual Meteor in Apex Legends

Last October an object that looked like a Meteor showed up in Apex Legends matches. It was plummeting onto the World’s Edge map. A lot of players assumed this to be a sign of Season 4.

However since it showed up after the start of Season 3 and the introduction of character Crypto. But it has since then been clarified to not be a hint of the new season rather was simply a bug that was a consequence of Gibraltar’s ultimate. 

“Meteor” was found by numerous players 

This so called meteor was mentioned in tweets by numerous players . It drops from the clouds and flies past the Epicenter and that it seems like it crashes to the ground. While most thought of it to be something that comes from space, there were a few players who figured it to be a bug involving Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment ultimate. Reddit user PenPineapplePen points how Gibraltar’s ultimate can call defensive airstrike. If he is killed after calling the airstrike then the missiles will fly at horizontal angles. 

Meteor was debunked by @That1MiningGuy on Twitter

Dataminer @That1MiningGuy explained this on Twitter. He tracked multiple meteors and related it all back to Gibraltar’s ultimate. Apart from this numerous players have also reported that there in another bug in multiple locations on the World’s Edge map. They report that a new sound has been coming from the meteor which led some people to believe it wasn’t Gibaltar’s ult. 

However the dataminer debunked this by saying that if the beacon falls through the map then it could cause it to bug out in game.