Is this for real? Dota 2 Quincy Crew is a new team. And team consists of Sumail in carry position with his dear brother Yawar playing in offlane. Other members include more surprising names such as Quinn aka CCNC in Mid Postition. SVG and MSS are the support players for the team. Mr Wykrhm Reddy disclosed this news via his following tweet.
Quincy Crew. #TI9Shuffle
— Wykrhm Reddy (@wykrhm) September 28, 2019
This TI9 shuffle is really beginning to bring some big and surprising changes. Sumail was left disappointed after EG finished 5th in TI 9 held at Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai on Aug 15 to Aug 25 this year. EG played worse this year as they were placed 3rd in TI 8. Sumail had high expectations from his team with inclusion of Fly and S4 in 2018. EG were considered one of the favorites for winning TI 8 & 9. But both the time, they were defeated, and instead we had two time consecutive TI champions OG.
Yawar just like his brother performed worse in TI 9 than TI 8. Yawar was part of the team Newbee with current teammates CCNC & MSS for TI 9. They finished placed 9-12th. Whereas in TI 8, Yawar was part of VGJ.Storm where MSS and SVG were part of the team. They were placed at at 7-8th position.

So by inclusion of Sumail, Yawar with his 3 other old teammates MSS, SVG & CCNC (now Quinn) have created Quincy; a new and exciting Dota 2 Roster.
Dota 2 fans as well as players all around the globe were clearly excited and surprised by the change.
Mostly fans were happy with two talented Pakistani brothers playing in the same team for the first time in Dota 2 history. They were quick to make fun of uncanny similarity in both of their faces. And Yawar serious looking face was many times titled as ‘Evil Sumail’.
— Team Secret (@teamsecret) September 28, 2019
Sumail / Evil Sumail
— Guilherme Santa Bárbara (Anton) (@guistabarbara) September 28, 2019
Navi made a quick remark on the team’s name and shared the tweet below.
Am i too weeb or…?
— Natus Vincere (@natusvincere) September 28, 2019
They made Sumail as the Quincy character Uryū Ishida from Bleach and asked the rest if they were weeb enough. If you want to read more about it you can read it here .
Also syndereNDota has already started for rooting for Quincy.
Or as we can see for CCNC atleast.
You can follow these players on twitter for more updates. Sumail – here, Yawar-here , CCNC-here MSS-here .
Also don’t forget to follow Our friend Wykrhm Reddy here for latest updates and insights in Dota 2. Or follow us for the same here or check out our Dota 2 news feed.
We wish this new team to do well and expect some great games!