Kaci Aitchision has joined Valve fulltime. She broke the news via twitter on 10th October 2019.
After 7 years of working events for one of my favorite companies, this month I officially joined Valve fulltime! Maybe that favorite company will work out next time. (Just kidding, it's this one.) Lots of exciting projects I can now jump in with both feet on, including #TI10 !
— Kaci Aitchison 🎤 (@KaciAitchison) October 10, 2019
Kaci has been working with Valve on their biggest Esports event – Dota 2 TI as backstage host & interviewer. From past 7 years she has been part of Dota 2 community from TI 3.
She is lovely and brings smile to many faces. During interviews Kaci makes sure that she makes the interviewee as comfortable as possible. She is often trolled but she never loses her cool.
You can watch kaci playing Dota 2 at TI 7 here:
Kaci has always been smiley, happy, active, energised. Everyone finds her energy wowing. This is not our words but Dendi’s: The global face of Dota 2.

Kaci’s initial start of work included interview with liquid fan who was donning a horse head. She put her mic into this fan’s/horse’s mouth. Another highlight of kaci’s initial trolling was when she was asked to interview iceiceice at the backstage of TI 3. She not belonging from Dota 2 scene, didn’t know any player. She intervewed GrandGrant as iceiceice. Her another interview with iceiceice was a classic! When Kaci asked iceiceice about his highlight of the tournament, the reply she received was diarrhea.
After the TI 3 she held an AMA on reddit and community loved her. She later joined back for the following TI. To know more about her you should watch Dota 2 archives videos shared here: –
Kaci is a happy mother and very enthusiast & cheerful.
By joining Valve full-time, we are speculating that now we will be able to see Kaci more often. We wish her all the best for her new venture!
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