
Best Scrabble Games for Android 2020

Best Scrabble Games for Android 2020

Scrabble is a classic board that many people around the world enjoy playing. The game is enjoyed by children and adults alike. Scrabble is simple, you have letter tiles that have to be arranged to form a legitimate word. Each letter has a certain point so the more words you make, more points you get. In the age of smartphones, this classic game hasn’t been forgotten. There are many scrabble games available on the Google Play Store but only some are good. Here is a guide to the best Scrabble games for
Android 2020 to beat boredom during Coronavirus Lockdown all around the globe- 

Aworded Crack 

Aworded Crack

Arguably one of the best scrabble games for Android. The game’s rules are the same as the classic board game. The player with the most points wins the match. The game is available in 16 languages. It is an online multiplayer game that allows you to play with your friends. There is also an in-game chat feature. The in-app purchases are optional. 

Download the game here.

Words With Friends 2 

Best Scrabble Games for Android 2020  Words with Friends 2

This is a free to play online multiplayer game. The rules are the same. An interesting feature is that this app has a solo mode, improved dictionary with pop culture vocabulary and numerous other modes to make scrabble fun for you. However the game does have a ton of ads. 

Download the game from here.

 Classic Words Solo 

Classic Words Solo

A simpler and better version of scrabble game apps on the Play store. This game has a solo play mode, pass-and-play local multiplayer and a score preview. The only disadvantage is that it doesn’t have an online multiplayer mode. There are six difficulty levels, level shuffling and available in about 6 languages. However, overall the game is excellent if you wish to have a classic scrabble experience. The game is free-to-play with ads but if you are keen on the game a pro version without ads is available for US$0.99 or Rs.75.

Download the game here.


Best Scrabble Games for Android 2020  wordfeud

With a huge player base of 30 million, this game is slightly different from the classic board game version of Scrabble. The game has introduced a randomizing feature that randomizes various score titles on the board. It features online multiplayer, in-game chat and more. The game adds little more complexity to Scrabble. The game is free to play or a pro version without advertisements can be bought for US$2.99 or Rs.227 

Download Wordfeud here.

And the Best Scrabble Games for Android 2020 list is topped by

Scrabble Go

Best Scrabble Games for Android 2020 Scrabble GO

This game has the official board, titles and Scrabble word dictionaries. Apart from the classic scrabble game, there are loads of new features and four game modes. This app lets you connect with your friends through facebook and lets you play games with them. Apart from this the scrabble tiles can be customized. Unlocking chests lets you collect a variety of playable tile patterns. Some are limited edition while others are a little more common to collect. The game also includes word games and practice modes. 

Download Scrabble go here.

For more articles visit our website ! We hope you enjoyed our list of Best Scrabble Games for Android 2020. Let us know below in the comments!

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