
Top 10 games for your VR headset!

VR Top 10 Games List of 2019

1. Vader Immortal

Vader Immortal Top 10 game VR

Vader Immortal is great VR game for any fan of the Stars Wars franchise. The game has three episodes set some time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. In the game you can play as a smuggler who was captured by the Empire trying to escape with your sidekick ZO-E3. Not forgetting to mention the sidekick is a droid. Through the game you learn about the origins and mission of the game. 

2. Moss 

Moss VR Top 10 Games

Contrary to the first game, Moss is a cute action puzzle adventure game. In this     fantasy game you play with a small adorable mouse sidekick named Quill. The mission is that you and Quill together fight the enemies that lie in the woodlands, to rescue you kingdom and rescue Quill’s trapped uncle. This is a very cinematic game that tells a tale very beautifully. It’s a game to easily get lost in for hours.  

3. Beat Saber

A stunning rhythm game, Beat Saber is set you keep you entertained for hours. The game involves music and hand-eye coordination. A game close to Dance Dance Revolution. Beat Saber let you learn how to dance by hitting various directional blocks using light sabers. New music packs are added from time to time. They also have new 90-degree and 360-degree modes for those looking a musical challenge.  

4. Tetris Effect 

A class game takes on a modern form in Tetris Effect. Incredible graphics and great music make the legendary puzzle game more fun. Playing Tetris will never be the same once you’ve tried this out. November of 2019 marked the game’s one year anniversary. They released new soundtracks as a part of this one year celebration.

5. Expect you to die 

Expect you to die VR

If you’ve always wanted to be a secret agent this game is the way to go. Expect You To Die gets you as close as you can to being a secret agent. With various tasks and mission, you have to defeat a millionaire supervillain. Remember there are people out to get you and make sure to avoid the impending death. The game is however not as morbid as it sounds. The graphics are quirky. Rooms are well designed and extremely player friendly allowing you to explore thoroughly.   

6. The climb 

Are you a thrill seeker but aren’t ready to risk your life for it ? Then Climb is the best game for you. Recreating beautiful sceneries, this VR game is incredibly relaxing. There are three levels to choose from – easy, medium or hard. The game isn’t as easy as it sounds but it is surely entertaining and also challenging. 

7. Robo Recall 

First person shooter game, Robo Recall adds a sci-fi element to your normal shooter experience. In the game your job is to beat the rogue robots and find out what/who made them “defective” in the first place. The game has almost no graphic violence. To make the gaming experience a little bit of humor has been mixed into the gameplay.  

8. Arziona sunshine 

Contrary to the previous game mentioned on this list, Arizona Sunshine is a zombie shooter game that’ll constantly have you on the edge of your seat. Set in the Arizona desertscape, numerous zombies are continuously coming for you. Weaving yourself through cabins, broken cars and underground tunnels, you have to look for your safe haven. With a lot violence , this game is very engaging. Make sure to have enough space for you’ll be moving and dodging a lot.

9. Vacation Simulator and Job simulator

Simulation games is one genre of gaming that we’ve all played at some point of our life. Vacation simulator and Job simulator is pretty straightforward. Quirky robots tell you what to do and how to move around in the game. The game is surprisingly therapeutic. 

10. Echo Arena 

Echo Area is a sport game that allows you to fly, dive, tacke and shoot discs for points. This game is sometimes described as blitzball from Final Fantasy 10 in VR.  A completely futuristic game where you’ll battle based on your abilities. Competition is fierce so get practising !

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