Team Nigma have emerged victorious in the finals of the marquee event, EU Champion at We Save! Charity play, beautiful Team Liquid quite clinically and comprehensively. After trailing 0-1 at the end of the first game, Nigma staged a magnificent comeback to dominate the entire game and ended up thrashing Team Liquid 3-1.
During the first game, Nigma broke out the Tinker, Clinkz and Shadow Fiend but ending up giving the Death Prophet to Team Liquid. While Nigma was solely focused in melting towers and farming up, Team Liquid displayed early aggression. This aggression led Team Liquid to register a victory in the first game.
GG @TeamLiquid.
— Team Nigma (@TeamNigma) March 25, 2020
With this victory we take the EU Final and we’re moving up to face @HELLRAISERSgg tomorrow at 16:00 CET in the EU Vs CIS Final in the WeSave! Charity Play tournament.
Keep Safe and Keep Gaming😷#StarsAligned #weplay2save
WePlay!’s latest SFM masterpiece
“Wifestealer” was unveiled during the brief break between Game 1 and Game 2.
During the much awaited Game 2, Nigma added a Night Stalker to mount pressure on their opponents and Team Liquid resorted to the Broodmother to translate their first game’s success to the second game but Nigma had an additional asset, the Aliwi “ww3” Omar Meepo. Meepo was edging our Team Liquid. The multiple clones if W33po would destroy members of Liquid which ultimately resulted in Nigma’s victory in the second game.
Nigma now grabbed onto the KuroKy Clinkz while TL chose the Earthshaker/Mars to limit the game power. Allowing a slight break from carrying his team Amer “Miracle-” Al-Barkawi in Anti-Mage emerged as the hero of the match.
In the final game, Nigma chose the Wraith King/Phantom Assassin alongside the KuroKy Clinkz whereas on the other hand, TL chose the Riki, the diminutive assassin. Riki facilitated a lot of dives but Nigma managed to scale yet another massive and clinical victory.