
Everything you may need to know about Call Of Duty: Spec Ops in 2020

What Is Spec Ops?

Spec Ops are extremely difficult co-op online campaign missions in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare (2019). They lie between the single-player campaign mission and online battle royale. Spec ops merge the pillars of gaming that is an online community and some good old campaign missions.

These missions are very hard and require extensive coordination and communication between you and your teammates. The main reason it is hard is that it does not have any checkpoints to save the mission. Once all your teammates are dead, you have to start the mission all the way from the start. Also, there are infinite enemy waves. So effectively your team has to fight them as well as focus on the main objectives.

To play spec ops, you simply need to go in the co-op tab from the main menu and select the spec ops. The window greets you with an amazing cutscene giving you an overview of the spec ops and the story of the campaign missions.


Spec ops consist of missions that require players to complete various objectives while fighting huge enemy waves. The heads up display is very similar to that of multiplayer games. Players are tasked to complete several objectives throughout a very large map, such as collecting items, eliminating certain enemies, or securing a certain area.

Spec ops

In spec ops, players are deployed in groups of 4. While fighting the enemies if any friendly is injured or downed and needs reviving, the players have 30 seconds to be revived after getting knocked.

Dying after bleeding out locks the player in spectator mode for 1 minute. After that, the player is airdropped from a plane via a parachute. So basically till a single player is alive, the game is not over. Sometimes the last layer may just consider hiding from the enemies if reviving the friendlies is not an option so that they can be respawned and carry on the mission instead of just restarting from all the way from the start.

Missions in Spec Ops

The backstory of the operations is based in Verdansk where evil has taken upon the city. Al-Qatala has occupied the city of Verdansk. So keeping aside their differences, Coalition and Allegiance forces join hands to defeat the Al-Qatal for the greater good. They then carry out four missions aiming for the pillars of Al-Qatal to take them out. 

There are 4 main missions in spec ops. All of them are an operation that requires either killing a high profile enemy or extracting a person of interest. They are one of the difficult missions in the series to complete. The chronological order of the missions is as follows: 

Operation Headhunter: Infiltrate, expose, and eliminate the terrorist network of Almalik, Al-Qatala’s slumlord-in-chief

Operation Kuvalda: Assault Almalik’s base of operations and mark his weapons for an airstrike, spiking the Al-Qatalaa foothold in Verdansk

Operation Paladin: Go behind enemy lines and extract Dr. Linda Morales, and use her intel to hunt “Mr. Z, a benefactor, and source of Al-Qatala’s new arsenal 

Operation Crosswind: Infiltrate the Al-Qatala occupied Verdansk Airport, board the hijacked 747, and recover its deadly cargo

Operation Headhunter

  • Plot

The team “Arm-4” is sent by Case Officer Kate L from the Coalition and Sergeant Kamarov from the Allegiance to find intel about Almalik in the Verdansk. Almalik is a landlord. He has got separate warehouses around Verdansk. He supplies various weapons and machinery to Al-Qatala. He also supplies manpower to Al-Qatala for the required operations in Verdansk.  

After eliminating several Al-Qatala’s lieutenants, the team discovered Almalik used scramblers to protect his communication and hide the warehouses. They found the scramblers around the Verdansk stadium, pulled every data, and destroyed them. They fought back armored vehicles sent by Almalik before exfiltration. 

  • Quick walkthrough

First, you must take out the enemy lieutenants. This should not be as hard of a task as you might think. There are six of them. They are in the warehouses located across the map. Then the players need to capture the scramblers. When capturing a scrambler, players need to stay near it, the more players near the scrambler the quicker it is a capture. Once captured, the players will have to destroy it.

(Snapshot from the stadium)

The second scrambler will have a Juggernaut protecting it, in addition to dozens of foot soldiers. Players can use the Killstreaks found in boxes around the map to take it down. After the third scrambler is destroyed, six armored vehicles will be deployed. After destroying them, players will need to capture the fourth scrambler with at least one Juggernaut guarding it. When players will capture the fifth scrambler, they will be circled by smoke hiding the deployment of enemies, several Juggernauts will also spawn in. Once the last scrambler is destroyed, players will have to destroy a helicopter and an armored vehicle before running to the exfil.

  • Objectives
    • Briefing – Almalik
    • Proceed to the target neighborhood
    • Get intel from AQ Lieutenants
  • Air Support Overwatch
    • Hack and disable the Scramblers (5/5)
    • Destroy the enemy tanks
    • Shoot down the enemy helicopter
    • Get to the rendezvous location

Operation Kuvalda

  • Plot

The team Armistice has sent that Arm-4 recovered some valuable information from the Operation Headhunter. Using the recovered scramblers, Coalition and Allegiance located all the warehouses belonging to Almalik. Several armistice teams were sent to raid all the warehouses. The raids were coordinated and took place at the same moment.

The Arm-4 team is sent to the Arklov Military base. The Arklov Military base is the main place for the storage of the Al-Qatal. The team also hacks in the network facility of Arklov military base to find the locations and the shipments of the weapons and machinery stockpiles. Arm-4 finds a stockpile of ballistic missiles inside the hangar. After the teams are evacuated, the hangar is destroyed, killing Almalik.

  • Quick Walkthrough.

Players will first need to infiltrate the military base. Then make their way up to the network facility of the military base. They can either go stealthily or just go all in storming the base and killing anybody who comes in the way. The server in the network facility will then be required to be hijacked. Players will need to stay close to the servers while the data is being uploaded. Several juggernauts will spawn between this duration. The players will be required to strategically defend the server. 

After the server is captured, the players will need to access a computer at three different locations, find the manifest (displayed as /Manifest on the screens), and then mark three crates by interacting with them. Several enemy helicopters can spawn during that objective. After all the crates are marked, the players will need to go to the control tower to open the hangar door. Inside the hangar, ballistic missiles will need to be marked. Players can then use one of the two tanks available in the hangar to regroup to the exfil, destroying several armored vehicles in the way.

  • Objectives
  1. Base of Operations
  •  Briefing
  • Access the data server
  • Wait for Data Transfer
  1. Marking Tactics
    • Search the manifest – Storage stockpile
    • Mark Crates in Storage – 3/3
    • Search the manifest – Warehouse stockpileMark Crates in Warehouse – 3/3
    • Search the manifest – Barracks stockpileMark Crates in Barracks – 3/3
  2. Exfill
    • Open The Hangar Door
    • Mark the Ballistic Missiles
    • Reach the LZ and Exfil

Operation Paladins

  • Plot

Case officer Kate Laswell and Sergeant Kamarov deployed Arm-4 to extract Dr.Linda Morales. She was a volunteer physician working in Verdansk. After informing Armistice that Al-Qatala was using medical shipments from the World Humanitarian Project to move hazardous materials into the cities. After extraction, she tells Arm-4 that the exchange was taking place at the airstrip. 

After arriving at the site, the squad finds out that the weapons are bioweapons made of Chlorine. While fighting a large number of AQ forces, they find out that a nuclear warhead is missing along with its core.

  • Quick Walkthrough

Being the hardest among the 4 operations from the spec ops, this mission requires focus, communication, and coordination more than any of the other operations. To save the hostage, players need to capture a jammer in the storage facility. The players need to stay near the jammer to disable it faster. After rescuing the hostage, the players should defend the crates. If the enemies find the crate, they will plant a bomb. If any bomb is planted, the players must defuse it ber\fiore it explodes.

If a crate is destroyed or all the players are downed, players will have the choice to restart the operation, in that case, the game starts at the APC section, not from the very beginning. Once all enemy waves are eliminated, and the timer of the crate stops, the squad can proceed to the rendezvous point. 

  • Objectives
  1. Find the doctor
    • Briefing – Dr. Linda Morales
    • Infiltrate the storage facility
    • Locate and disable the signale jammer
    • Rescue Dr. Morales
  2. Exfill
    • Bring Dr. Morales to the LZ
    • Exfil Arriving – 2:00
    • Exfil with Dr. Morales
  3. APC Escort
    • Follow Havoc 2-0 and provide support
    • Defend 1st crate. 2:00
    • Defend 2nd crate. 2:00
    • Defend 3rd crate. 2:00
    • Open 3rd crate.
    • Destroy the enemy tanks
    • Exfil

Operation Crosswind

  • Plot

After interrogating Dr.Morales, The ARM-4 team infiltrated the Verdansk airport occupied by Al-Qatala. They disconnect any communication from the airport to the city center. The team then boards a hijacked plane containing the nuclear core that earlier discovered was missing. With the core captured, they jump out of the plane. 

  • Quick Walkthrough

As the mission is to safely extract the nuclear core, players have two choices. Either you and your squad go stealthily or just storm the living hell out of the airport. But before that, the players will need to disable several arrays in order to cut the communications of the airport from the outer world. To do this the team needs to capture and disable several arrays by staying close to it just like the other missions. The more people near the arrays, the faster the arrays are disabled.

After the communication is lost, the squad has to board the hijacked plane. The players will have three minutes to find and extract the nuclear core. Many enemies will spawn when trying to extract the nuclear core. After retrieving the nuclear core, you will have 20 seconds to jump from the plane. Once on the ground, the team will need to fight its way to destroy a helicopter on the helipad. Many enemy waves will spawn when trying to do so. After the helicopter is destroyed, the team can proceed to the rendezvous point.

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