
Apex Legends is coming to Mobile!

Apex Legends Overview

Things could not be going better for mobile gaming enthusiasts. Following the insane success of Call of Duty: Mobile, things are only going to get a lot more heated up and competitive with Apex Legends set to enter the mobile gaming market anytime post October 2020. Apex Legends was launched this February as a free to play Batte Royale, developed by Respawn Entertainment and launched by Electronic Arts or EA. The game was a massive success, being slightly more mature than Epic Games Fortnite.

Apex Legends

According to a statement made by EA this year, over 30% of Apex Legends players, were completely new to EA. The game currently is only available on the XboxOne, PS4, and PC. EA was able to rake in millions of downloads for Apex Legends on these platforms. They even expanded its customer base by 30%. Now considering the size of the mobile gaming industry, it might not be too early to say that EA are in for a huge treat with the mobile version set to drop very soon. For those of you who have not heard of Apex legends before, it can be best categorized as a more mature and advanced version of popular games like PUBG or Fortnite. The game sees teams of 3 land on an abandoned island where they must collect weaponry and supplies to defeat other teams and be the last men standing. 

Statements from EA

Apex Legends 2

At EA’s Q2 earnings call this year, Andrew Wilson, CEO of EA, said, “With the Apex Legends community now growing pass 70 million players, we’re focused on expanding to mobile new platforms and new geographies, as well as launching and Apex competitive gaming program that we’ll share details on soon.” Wilson also stated that Apex Legends would be a long term franchise for them, and he confirmed that post-expansion in 2020- 2021, the game would be available for new countries. He specifically highlighted the market size for the game in China which he estimated to be up to 1 billion players. 



The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a 2017 action-adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch and Wii U

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