In February 2017, Ubisoft in partnership with Massive Entertainment had decided to develop an Avatar based game. For starters Ubisoft Avatar is a hollywood film directed by James Cameroon. The film was the highest grossing film ever until Avengers: Endgame overtook it in 2019.
Given the high popularity of the franchise it was announced in 2017 that Massive Entertainment had teamed with Fox Interactive and Lightstorm Entertainment for the game to be built in Snowdrop engine.

Surprisingly after the announcement was made there was no further update from any of the developers on the progress of the game. The silence by the studio led many fans to believe that the project had been scrapped mid way. A curious fan asked for an update in a hope to find out what exactly has been going on behind the scenes.
The official Twitter handle of the movie responded saying ,”still being developed”.
Given that the studio is hiring for AI programmer, animator, and development tester Ubisoft still hasn’t given up on developing the Avatar based game.
“What impressed me about Massive were the group’s passion for this project, and the power of its Snowdrop engine,” Avatar chief James Cameroon said at time of the collaboration. “With the power of [Snowdrop], and the team’s passion and obsessive focus on detail, we know they’re the right group to bring the beauty and danger of Pandora to life.”

There hasn’t been any further news about the development but when the news does come, there sure will be a hell lot of excitement and hype around the Ubisoft Avatar. Given the rapidly increasing Esport scene the game might just release just at the perfect time when the player base is at its peak.
The official handle of the film also let their fans know that the production team had finished the live-action filming of the sequel.
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