Mount and Blade II Bannerlord by TaleWorlds Entertainment is the successor of the previous and very well acclaimed Mount & Blade although it will be released as a prequel to the first part. The prequel is placed 210 years before the 1st part. It is placed in the fictional continent of Calradia. All the shenanigans in the game such as the Armour, clothes etc are inspired by the time period of 600-1100 AD. The early access mode has been launched on steam on March, 30th 2020.
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Gameplay and Improvements

Although the basic gameplay is similar to the 1st part, you gather up players and form your own group of warriors and then go on to perform quests and advance on the campaign map. But many changes have been made to improve this experience. For example, firstly the sieges in the Bannerlord are much more strategic in terms of positioning or construction than Warband. There is also a lot of improvement in the relationship between the player and other non playing actors. You will have better options as to persuade people to do tasks for you, by filling a bar. If you don’t succeed in this then you can go on to bribe the player by using the barter system. What makes this game better than it’s other counterparts is the very fact that the gameplay is not just restricted to fighting. You play a lot of roles throughout the game. One of the biggest examples is the trade going on throughout the game. The economy is very realistic and you can use that to your own advantage
Just like the 1st part this game too consists of the multiplayer segment where you can combat with each other across multiple maps. Although there are changes in that too. In the bannerlord the multiplayer is kept separate from the campaign mode unlike the previous edition.
Overall Impression

The game falls under a huge umbrella where you can find similar games. But yet is very surprising and makes you want to play more at every stage. All of this is because the gameplay has been made quite diverse and interesting. The battles, the persuasion, the trading and etc. all are very close to perfect. The game is certainly an upgrade from its predecessor. All in, if you are a fan of action and role playing you have a long campaign ahead of you as this game is meant for you to play.
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