
Play Bhag Corona to Learn About the Coronavirus Now!

Play Bhag Corona to Learn About the Coronavirus Now

In an attempt to spread awareness regarding the safety precautions and measures that needed to be taken for the Coronavirus, 2 MBA students from XLRI college in Jharkhand, Akram Khan and Anushree Warade have developed a game by the name of Bhag Corona. In a time when social distancing is important and still there are hoards of people not following the rules set in place by the government, they believe this game will help further spread the awareness and even be a fun way to learn about the pandemic. It can be accessed by any device with a browser by going on the website https://bhagcorona.com/v9/

Gameplay of Bhag Corona

It is a fairly simple game in which you have to throw a vaccine on the coronavirus and if you miss, the game ends. Now what’s interesting is the person who is shown to be throwing the vaccine is designed to look like The Prime Minister Mr. Modi. Since he has been actively taking decisions for the country’s future. Even if you lose, there is a fact/precautionary measure regarding the virus displayed, so you’re learning even if you lose! The game features the popular soundtrack, Corona Go, Go Corona.  As you keep on winning the levels become tougher and the virus difficult to achieve. The game is made purely for spreading information. It has no purchases  or ads shown at any stage.

About Game Bhag Corona

The game was created by the students after they went home conversing only through video conferencing. They plan on making it into an app and releasing it on Android and iOS in the near future.

Anushree and Akram

“We created the game in a matter of 5-6 days because people were still going out of their houses amid the lockdown. Not realising the seriousness of the situation. So, it’s sometimes easier to reach them through a medium of entertainment” Anushree said when asked how the idea of such a game came to their minds.

Akram added “We inculcated the World Health Organisation’s guidelines for personal protective measures and hygiene to fight against COVID-19. We realised people are bored and restless during the quarantine period. A game would be the most effective way to spread the message,”

 “We have plans to create such games on social topics like gender equality, caste-based discrimination and many more social topics or issues which can help disseminate information,” the creators were heard concluding.


People of India and world needs to be more enlightened with do’s and dont’s of Coronavirus. Initiatives such as these helps create awareness on larger scale. We hope many more people play Bhag Corona and learn about the Coronavirus.

To get the news of latest Coronavirus updates please visit WHO official website.

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