Top 15 Items/Weapons in PUBG Mobile

Now since PUBG has become the favorite pastime of Indian in this lockdown period, we thought why not give you some insight as to what the top weapons/items in PUBG are. You might know most of the items in this list but we are still hoping to surprise you with our take . So go on and read this list of the Top 15 Items/Weapons in PUBG Mobile which are a must’ve for the Chicken Dinner.

15. Ghillie Suit-

Ghillie Suit PUBG Mobile Ghillie Suit PUBG Mobile

Although not necessary, this camouflage suit is obviously a great advantage. It can only be obtained through drops and is extremely helpful towards the end where you have to find others without giving your location.

14. Groza-

This Assault rifle is one of the most powerful in the game, and is a great weapon if you prefer mid-range combat. It has great damage and has the second highest firing rate of all assault rifles. Further it is one of the most difficult to find so keep your eyes open and move towards the drops.

13. Bike-

The bike is probably an underrated vehicle mainly due to it’s difficult handling abilities. But it has its own advantages, it is fuel efficient, small enough to take through thin routes, plus you get to show off those iconic stunts!

12. Grenade

The grenade is useful to kill those enemies who are not coming out of their fox hole. You can simply throw this in and either they’ll jump out or get knocked! It is an item you should have with you at all times in the match.

11. Red Dot-

Although it is something that cannot be used inplace of a 3x or 4x scope but it is a great attachment to have on ARs, once you scope down you increase your accuracy. Specially beneficial for those with accuracy issues!

10. Smoke Grenade-

It is one of the most useful things you can have in a Duo or a Squad match, anytime one of your teammates gets knocked, just throw the smoke grenade to leave the enemy in confusion as to where you exactly are, reviving your teammate.

11. AWM-

One of the highly sought out weapons, and also one of the rarest. This powerful gun can only be found in crates and with the right attachments and the scope, it can silently kill your enemy even before he knows what’s going on!

10. Adrenaline Syringe-

This item is extremely useful, it doesn’t just provide you with a full energy boost but helps in increasing your health up to 40% that too in a very short time.

9. BRDM-

Now this is something you can call a powerhouse. This amphibious vehicle can help you navigate on land as well as in water, all this while giving you extreme protection from enemy shots. This is why it is one of the rarest items to find, for it you first need a flare gun and then you have to shoot the gun outside of the play zone.

8. 6x Scope-

The question arises why is the 8x scope not here but the 6x is? The answer is usability. The 6x scope gives you almost the same range as the 8x scope and is also usable in ARs something the 8x does not have the option of. Further it has the adjustment option to change the scoping between 6x and 3x.

7. Level 3 Helmet-

The Spetsnaz Helmet is something extremely useful. It soaks in a lot of damage therefore keeping you alive in cases where you might’ve already been knocked.


M416 is regarded as the most versatile gun in PUBG. It has a great firing rate, less recoil, it supports almost all the attachments you get and is fairly easy to find. All this makes it the favorite gun of various professional players as well!

5. Flare gun-

Flare gun is like an airdrop in your hand. Being one of the most rare items it’s hard to find but once you get it, it provides you with various essentials. Also, keep a lookout for enemies who get attracted to you because of the flare gun.

4. Level 3 Vest-

The military vest is ranked higher than the helmet mainly because it is much more useful, as the helmet blocks the headshots from enemies but most players aren’t proficient enough so they target your torso making the vest an extremely valuable asset and something quite difficult to find.

3.Extended Magazine-

This might be a surprise for list of the top 15 Items/Weapons in PUBG Mobile. This attachment can be found for almost all the weapons and it’s one of the most important items in the game. What makes it so important is the fact that it gives you those precious 10-15 extra bullets which come in handy where a reload could’ve proved deadly!


The end objective of the game is to be the last-person standing and to do that you’ll kill players but also take a lot of hits, now adrenaline shots and painkillers aside. You need something real and quick to give back your health before the enemy comes rushing at you. In times like these the medkit comes in handy and can prove to be the difference in win or a loss. The medkit completely replenishes your life no matter how low it is. Making it way better than the alternatives like bandage and First-aid kits.

1.Bagpack (level 2 and 3)-

Level-3             Level-2

The whole game revolves around the idea of looting weapons, health kits, attachments and much more, but how much can you carry in 2 hands. Having a level-2 or level-3 backpack is a vital and probably the most important thing to have in the game, because, well without it all the other items are of no use since you can’t loot them. Although they may be underappreciated because of their high frequency and the fact that they can be found easily. Without them you can say goodbye to the Chicken Dinner all you wanted.

Top 15 Items/Weapons in PUBG Mobile summarized here. Let us know in comment section what you feel about this list. Download PUBG Mobile for Android and iOS today!


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