
Game Modes of PUBG

Game Modes PUBG

Player Unknown’s BattleGround (PUBG) is a game which hardly needs any introduction as it has over the years evolved to become on one of the most sought after games of all time. A royale shooter, this free to play action-packed game has all the ingredients of hooking you to your PC or mobile screen for hours, pitting you against 99 other players. The developers of the game, have made sure that possibly any Android phone released in the past 5-7 years can support PUBG. The requirements of PUBG for an Android device are 2GB RAM and the Android version of the phone should be 5.1.1 or later. Also, if your phone cannot support PUBG, you can get hold of PUBG Lite from Play Store. The hype is real!

What makes PUBG standout is that it has a lot of game modes under its belt, So there are so many different ways to play the same game! This is special, I can second it. This is what has made me fall in love with this technological spectacle!

So, in this article, I will be digging deep into the game modes offered by PUBG

Classic mode

Classic mode provides you with the most immersive and enhancing experiences. From jumping out of the plane to following the safe circles, this is the complete PUBG experience. You have to make sure you outlast your 99 rivals and you stay on till the very last. Basically you have to eclipse past your oppositions, all of them. The game lasts for about 30 minutes and all the weapons and other useful equipment needed for the battle are scattered all around in buildings.

There are certain modes under the classic mode:

Solo Games Modes of PUBG

The Solo PUBG Game modes

In this mode, you are all alone in the game. You are spawned into the world alone and you have to lock horns with other players and eliminate them till you are the last person in the game. You have to trust your own abilities and skillsets in this mode

Solo FPP

­Solo FPP stands for Solo First-Person Perspective. It is the same as Solo mode except that you will be playing in first person instead of third person.


In this mode, you will be paired up with another person and both of you will be battling it out till the very end. You have to trust in the abilities of your partner in thus.


Duo FPP stands for Duo First-Person Perspective. It is the same as Duo mode except that the two of you will be playing in first person instead of third person.


Perhaps. The most exciting and enthralling game mode in the game. You are in a team of maximum 4 participants and team coordination is of paramount importance in this mode.

Squad FPP

Squad FPP stands for Squad First-Person Perspective. It is the same as Squad mode except that your team will be playing in first person instead of third person.


Arcade mode is a more condensed form of the game designed specifically for gamers who want a more bite-sized chicken dinner. 28 players are pitted against each other; they might also be teams. There are six variations of the weapons: pistols, sniper rifles, shotguns, all weapons, melee only, and item heaven

Total 4 types of Arcade mode:

War, Sniper training, Mini-zone, Quick match


This is a game-mode which is used to stash goods by the game developers. The sole intention of this game mode is pure fun and are dedicated for fun fan-service. 

There are two zombie modes here

·   Darkest Night
·   Survive till dawn

Jin Kazama – Tekken 7

Tekken 7 is a fighting game developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It is the ninth overall installment in the Tekken series. Tekken 7 had a limited arcade release in March

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