Paladins Io is one of the support characters in Paladins. The moon goddess presents herself not only in her human form on the field, but also as the fox spirit Luna. Our guide will help you master Io.
The “Sun and Moon Update” and its highlights have been presented in an update show and with the publication of the official patch notes. In addition to the new Coast Guard Battle Pass, which brings some new skins and other cosmetic content for champions like Kinessa, Lian, Koga and Fernando, the upcoming update is all about a brand new champion – Io, the broken goddess.
Lore of IO
For eons, the moon goddess Io watched over the Realm. Then, disaster struck: the Darkness smothered the goddess’s light and shattered the moon that hung above the lands.

Pieces of the moon fell to the Shattered Desert, where Io’s faithful watched over them. They kept vigil for the shattered goddess, praying that one day she would return to guide them.
As the Magistrate marched on the desert sands, intending to claim the power of the moon shards in their vicious struggle with the Resistance, that day finally came. At the urging of her celestial contemporary, Jenos, Io revealed her true form to fight for her people and stand against those who would threaten their survival.
Summary of IO
For a long time, the moon goddess Io watched the fate of the paladins from afar. Now she intervenes in the action as the newest supporter champion in Paladins.

Your arrival is owed to the magistrate and the dark. It was the mysterious force known as darkness that shattered the moon and caused moon shards to rain down on the earth. And it was the magistrate who wanted to take advantage of the power of these shards and to get hold of them against villages whose inhabitants worship Io. Only then did Io decide to intervene, to reveal its true form and to fight for the good alongside its followers.
In combat, Io can rely on the power of the moon. Using lunar magic, she can heal allies and summon crescent arrows for her arc. As the first Paladins Io can also command a companion, the supernatural vixen Luna. Luna fights alongside Ios and can heal allies and stun enemies.
Paladins Io is in the support category combines a resource-based healing output that can be used on individual teammates with reliable damage output. The big core element of the new heroine is Luna, a protective spirit that can be summoned and fights alongside Io.

Paladins Io can heal any player she wants to full health with moonlight, and summon her lunar guardian to heal her and her allies in the fight (with her Life Link talent). When Paladins Io finally gets in over her head she can lunar leap into a safe space or use it at the beginning of fights to out-flank and get the upper hand. If an area is over run with enemies or enemies gang up on her Paladins Io can push them out of the way with her ultimate (Begone).

Abilities of IO
Like every champion in Paladins, Paladins Io has 5 special skills are available. With these you can develop in the match and effectively support your team. The moon goddess is best used in the support role.
Light Bow
Paladins Io can have the arc is activated with the left mouse button and deals 400 damage every 0.6 seconds. 10 arrows with a range of 350 units are available, which mark enemies hit for the team.
Guardian Spirit
With key Q, you summon Luna with 4,000 HP at 50 units away. It attacks an enemy with 180, followed by another 180 and finally 350 damage in rhythm of 18 seconds. Your attacks stun enemies for 1 second. Luna can be summoned to other locations every 8 seconds and used to capture targets. Paladins Io is sensitive to the item “bulldozer”.
If you target an ally and press the left mouse button, heal them for 0.15 HP every 0.15 seconds. The maximum amount of 200 moonlights has a range of 125 units. Make sure that you only regenerate the skill when you are not using it.
Lunar Leap
With F you catapult yourself several units backwards with one jump.
Begone (Ultimate)
The Ultimate of Io is activated with E and summons a variant of Luna that sweeps enemies by storm. If it comes into contact with a wall, it deals 800 damage. Even shields don’t stand up to Luna. Io takes no damage over the entire duration of the Ultimate.
Deck building guide

Each champion has a selection of special cards available, which you can put together to form a deck of five cards. If you start Paladins for the first time, each of the Champs already has a standard deck with which you are directly ready to plunge into battle.
You can get new cards by making them with essence. They also appear in loot boxes that you deserve while playing. As soon as you receive cards or cosmetic items from the boxes that you already hold, they will be converted into essence.
Which combination of cards is the most useful depends very much on your team composition. There are a total of 6 slots available, which you can occupy with decks in the champion menu. You should build a deck for every conceivable situation, which you select before the respective matches.
The correct use of the cards and diverse decks will set you apart from your opponents. It is certainly possible to learn Paladins Io and the mechanics needed and to become a good player. However, if you want to master the game, you have to deal with the cards. Try different builds and see how they affect your champion
Best card decks for IO

As described in the previous section, Io develops its strength in Paladins Io primarily as support. For this reason, there are three specific cards that offer support not only for your team members, but also Io and Luna themselves.
Fast arrows:
If you heal groups with moonlight, their running speed increases by a whopping 8 per cent. In this way, you improve the mobility of the team, which makes reaching certain goals much easier.
Renewed Faith:
Ios health should not be neglected. Renewed Faith always gives you 10 HP when you heal allies with moonlight. As a pure support, you will receive enough LP about the match.
Broken Goddess:
Luna is immensely important as Io. With this card, you increase the operational range by 20 per cent, which enables unique, tactical steps.
Celestial Body
while playing this game the health is every thing. This card helps you with increase 50% in maximum health.
This card helps in the reset of Lunar leaps when health goes down by below 15%.
Eternal Reliquary
This card helps in restore the lunar leap by 2/2 ammo
Feral Strength
This card increase Luna’s health by 225/225. while playing with Io in Paladin health is an important factor.
Full Moon
After activating this card Lunar leap gain 100/100 health for 3s.
Half Moon
Lunar leap countdown reduce by 0.8 sec. This helps in making the leap stay longer
Lunar Connection
This card is used for reducing the countdown by 1.2 sec of Luna’s initial deploy.
Moonlight Garden
This card helps Moon light generate by 2 % for light bow hit on enemy.
This card increase in Moonlight’s capacity by 8% which can help you in winning
Regenerate moonlight for by 2% for every second within Luna’s 30 units and not using moonlight.
Talents of Io
Life link

It is a default talent which heals Luna’s allies with 300 per second and also heals Luna.
Goddess’ Blessing

It unlocks at master level 2 where allies take 10% less damage after healed with moonlight.

If health of IO falls below 200 while Luna is active then Luna switch place with IO and heals with 50% of her maximum health Luna dies instead.
for latest talent updates you can check the official twitter of Paladins game
A possible good build for IO
Moonlight Garden(5)
This makes hitting your shots really important to keep your Moonlight up, you want to always land shots on enemies when not healing to keep it up.
Restored Faith(4)
To keep you in the fight, this card will help a lot with healing you back up.
Swift Arrows(3)
Giving your teammates 24% movement speed when you heal them will help them either be more aggressive and charge the enemy or help them play defensive and help them dodge/retreat faster.
Spirit Arrows(2), this decreases the Redeploy time for Luna, it’s really good to be able to redeploy Luna throughout a fight, it keeps the enemy guessing and you can move Luna to cover to heal her up so you don’t have to wait for her entire cooldown if Paladins Io dies. And you’ll be able to bring her back into the fight fast because you’re constantly healing.
Sky Walker(1)
This is mostly a filler card, but the decreased fall speed while shooting is nice to get more out of your leap, even at level 1, it’s at 50%. Pretty strong filler card, but you can swap this out for other defensive cards, such as the Shield when you leap one.
Mostly just buy Defensive items, such as Heaven or Blast Shields, or Caut. You don’t need Chronos on Io since her heal isn’t affected by it, and it’s a very expensive card.
After you have good defense and some cauterize, buy something with good utility, like Master Riding, to help you get back to the fight if you die or surprise the enemy with an early round ult. Dismounting and weakening them can cause them to use defensive/healing abilities early on in the fight, which will definitely give your team a huge advantage.
Credit for the build: r/MuchWoke

Alternate build
Sanctum Of Faith(5)
Sanctum is for maintaining Moonlight
Restored Faith (4)
Restored is for self sustain, since Paladins Io is pretty weak in that aspect.
Broken Deity(3)
Broken, is for, obviously more range on Luna’s deploy, since it’s awful at base. And you need to put it far away most of the time.
Spirit Arrow(2)
Now spirit arrows is where it really defines the Playstyle, the point of this card is to place Luna down and as you’re healing with Moonlight, it reduces the cooldown of the redeploy so you can move her VERY often, to surprise enemies and move her away from enemies when she gets low so you can heal her and Paladins Io won’t die as easily.
Sky Walker(1)
Then, Sky walker because it helps with the movement ability. To get more out of it and increase survivability.
You just got to sit back a lot and poke the enemy while healing up your team, place Luna in the middle of the fight, and continue to damage/heal, then if you need to move Luna you can do it often. Really helps with keeping her alive, if she’s low, deploy her behind somewhere where enemies can’t see, heal her, and deploy her back into the fight. But obviously don’t just only focus Luna.
Credit for the build: r/MuchWoke
Strategies for effectively playing IO
Paladins Io relies on high mobility and can escape even dangerous situations. It achieves the greatest benefit when played as a healer who can also be used as a flank.
Always pay attention to your position. You must have a direct view of your allies to heal, especially the tank. You can also use the position to attack the opposing tank with your arc in between.
Use your mobility to defend or capture flanks. Thanks to the arc and various card combinations with this skill, you can easily break through weak flanks to push. Flanks can be defended very well together with a team member or Luna.

If the going gets tough, you should always bet on the moon jump. Make a note of the best jump points to escape quickly. You can even use vertical dots to your advantage.
Luna is best used to capture enemy target points or break flanks. The spirit to defend your team’s points is also excellent.
If the situation becomes inevitable, be sure to use BEGONE. Luna will remove the enemies from your range, while you can flee even more effectively and take a better position with the moon jump.
Tips for newbies
Heal plenty from the air (she has infinite range, and there’s no reduction on your healing with distance), but yes, you primarily play for actual damage and kills, and heavily use your doggo for offensive purposes, or to give our tanks an easier with the stuns.
Her great mobility makes her very good at getting intel on the enemy, and you can bait people into following you when they really shouldn’t. You will get killed, you have another boostjump and 50% HP to get out (I commit the heresy of running sacrifice, because it’s the only fun talent she has, while the only effective talent is the boring lifelink), which is rather easy unless you actually got baited or counter played.
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