League of Legends’ mobile version might be the next big thing in the gaming industry. Following the likes of PUBG Mobile and Call of Duty, Riot games announced plans to introduce League of Legends to mobile devices and consoles. The release is still yet to be confirmed but work is being done on upcoming beta tests.
This version will be separated from the widely known PC title. It will be called League of Legends wild rift. According to sources, closed beta tests are currently being conducted. The first open Beta test will be conducted in China. Other regions will follow. More news about the same is expected in early 2020.
We’re going to begin the process of rolling alphas and betas through the end of the year, starting in China,” a message from Riot on Express UK explains.

The plan is to have the mobile version fully live everywhere in the world by the end of 2020, with console coming sometime after.We rebuilt the game from scratch (like… the whole thing). Refreshed models, animations, game systems and more—but keeping true to the core League of Legends gameplay you already know. We didn’t want to just port League on PC 1:1—we want to make sure Wild Rift feels like it was designed for new platforms, and use that opportunity to make a bunch of improvements to the game.While you won’t get your unlocks from League PC, you’ll get some cool rewards for the time you’ve spent in the PC version.”
This version of the game aims to make the game a little quicker and has reduced the play time for different matches. The mobile version is set to have shorter rift matches. These should be around eighteen minutes. The 5v5 MOBA will be redesigned and the game time will be reduced to 20 minutes. The game should be released on Android and iOS sometime in 2020. However the console version are to be released only in 2021. This could be as a new game for PS5 and Xbox Scarlett.