
Dota 2 Battle Pass End Date Extended!

Battle Pass End Date Extended

Dota 2 Battle Pass End Date extended to September 19, 2020 from September 12, 2020.

Dota 2 Battle Pass End Date Extended

Recently many Dota 2 players reported Game Coordinator Issue which did not let the players play the game. It caused a lot of pain for many fans as the extreme loads on servers were happening suddenly and at the same time. Many Players and teams took this issue to twitter to raise alert.

Finally Dota 2 official page on twitter acknowledged the issue

Soon people started replying to the above tweet asking for free battle pass levels as compensation. But Dota 2 had their own plans.

Dota 2 felt that by extending it for 1 week will make the fans happy but everyone was left disheartened by not receiving free battle pass levels. The Dota 2 Team said that they are investigating the surge and load that happened at 4am Seattle. DOta 2 will try to resolve this issue as quickly as possible!

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