
Shroud is back playing his favorite CS Global Offensive

Shroud CS GO NYC Events

Shroud who is a long time CS GO streamer and almost synonymous and known to anyone if  they know about Counter Strike Global Offensive and Youtube is back playing this all time legendary FPS. After taking a break for sometime and moving onto games such as Call of Duty Warzone involving Battle Royale, Shroud showed that he is back with his favorite game by uploading a CS GO stream on Youtube on 31st March, playing with his friends as “team_shroud” titled “WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS GAME”.

His skills seemed a bit dusty during the game, clearly because of the amount of time he spent away. Also he seemed surprised with all the new tweaks added to the games.

Although there were sloppy deaths here or there but as the match went on he could be seen gaining momentum. Once in  the video he says “ Watch this shot” and then goes on to kill an enemy with a one shot headshot through a thick smoke of gas with a pistol.

He commented “The people who appreciated this game are the people who are actually solid or they have been playing it for a lot of time.”

During the video he talked about how hard of a game this is. Especially for people who are starting right now in 2020. They are competing with guys who have been playing for ages, so it naturally becomes difficult for tem and maybe might make them dislike the game. He exclaimed “ A game like Counter Strike is about knowledge”. So if you have been playing for a longer time then you have much more knowledge making you better.

Since the video mentioned above he has put up 2 more of CS GO videos, maybe he is back to playing this game. Honestly who could ever get enough of this amazing all-time-classic.