
Why Smite is Better than League of Legends?


So first of all, here is some info on how it all started for me. I started playing in 2015, which was Season 2. Ever since I started playing, I almost never took big breaks from the game (no more than a month or two).
I was a big LoL fan before then I discovered Smite (played LoL 2014-2015), and while I enjoyed it at that time, I just got bored and after they removed the Dominion mode I completely lost interest in the game.

Smite is free to play

So after I started playing Smite, I instantly fell in love with it (I remember playing only Kukulkan since he was quite simple). I fell in love with the gods, with all the different maps that Smite offers, and the community in general.

1. Compared to the other MOBA’s, Smite’s community is more accepting.

Now, there might be some people who disagree with this, but that’s my opinion. I’ve played both LoL (3 years) and Smite (4 years and counting) and Smite’s community is definitely friendlier than LoL’s, for example.

2. Hi-Rez Studios interacts a lot with the community.

I’m talking about the frequent events like double/triple XP/Worshippers/Favor, gem storms, win x games for a chest, overall frequent gem sales as well as in-game sales, the login game rewards. Not many MOBA games offer all of this, if any. This is one of the main things I love about Smite.

3. Quickly increasing god roster, compared to other MOBA’s like LoL or Dota.

Even though since last year they started slowing down with the gods, we are still getting quite a lot of new gods every year (on average, 6 or 7 gods, or even more), which is another thing I love about Smite.

All in all Smite is currently at its best right now. And I’m sure it will only get better from now on. Smite today vs Smite 4 years ago – I would definitely choose Smite today. The game always feels fresh with the adding of new gods, new skins, etc. and even the adventures, which are quite unique for a MOBA. As well as all the improvement to the game which I stated above.

Don’t forget to try the game. You can download Smite from here.

To read about more games, don’t forget to checkout https://myesportsglobe.com/

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