It was bad.
If you were one of the many lucky ones to miss out on the new Fortnite Star Wars Event as you couldn’t log in, consider yourself fortunate.
The “event”
The event began with a TIE chase of the Millennium Falcon in-game, and then a presentation of a new Star Wars: the Rise of Skywalker scene by host Geoff Keighley, a Stormtrooper voiced by Ben Schwartz (Sonic/Jean-Ralphio) and JJ Abrams, the director, who actually got his own skin for this event. The scene, or half of it, was shown after which everyone were given lightsabers.
And that’s it.
Disappointed, much?

As the Fotnite Star Wars Event was billed as the “biggest event in fortnite history” its hard to see the event as more than an ad. While past events were somewhat important in the way that they actually impacted the game, this event did little. Yes, it would be childish to compare this event to the past cube or volcano eruption events. Or the monster fight event. Yet, this event felt uniquely bland even for a sponsored event. Specially when Epic have done better before (the marshmello event).
This especially stings when you consider that the game hasn’t seen any significant updates for the past few months. For all we know, this might be a step towards the profit-before-players model that EA loves so much.
At Least Fortnite is cannon in the StarWars universe now. So yay.